Y u create site?
That is an excellent question. Say you're at work one day, and a co-worker, with utmost countenance, jokingly accuses you of being damn near religious about cars and driving...
Say you happened to notice some of said co-workers get certain days off for religious reasons...
Say your boss brings to your attention that the Jedi Church is real...
Now picture, if you will, that you actually ARE that overzealous--so overzealous that when you get your driving license back you pose with both arms out, Christ-like, nodding in false humility as you saunter backwards toward your car as if to acknowledge that the universe finally came to it's senses and corrected the most grave of errors.
As you reclaim your rightful kingdom on the open road, you remember you're:
- A web developer.
- Can't take a joke.
So you grab a 12-pack of beer, lock yourself in your home/office. A few hours later and you've:
- Spent REAL money to buy a domain.
- Stolen a template from www.w3layouts.com.
- Created Church devoted to all matters driving.
Now you quietly fear how you'll explain yourself to your friends... or that you might get sued for idolatry. Strangely enough, you quietly pray that unlike you, those with religious affiliations will see the website is all in good jest, provides a bullet-proof excuse for many gearheads to get out of work for "religious reasons," and yes--promotes safe driving.
That, in a nutshell, is how a mildly-insane citizen winds up creating a Church about motoring.
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